Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Labor of LOVE!!

Now it feels like HOME!!

Well today has been a very eventful day! It was full of hardwork and it required getting dirty! I suprised Mikey by planting lots of flowers and making the yard look presentable for his sweet sister Aly!! Her family is coming to visit tomorrow and we are just thrilled! The yard turned out perfect and he loved every bit of it. It was well worth the sweat and labor!! I hope Mama Susan is proud of my gardening skills! (: I want to thank my sweet Grandmother and Mother, they helped pick and plant the flowers. Also I would like to thank my Daddy and brother in law Danny - they brought in mounds of dirt so that my little flowers would survive! It was a beautiful day and I am so grateful for everyones help, love, and support!


Susan Hancock said...

My mercy!! Shi- wow, what a great project- I love it all! You and your "crew" did an amazing job. I love the lilies, and the petunias- all of it looks so beautiful!!

Listen- I have absolutely no doubts that you can do anything in the world you set your mind to. Mike was so happy when he called and told me about the mailbox lettering and the beautiful yard. I have found that over and over, it's the journey we're on that can give us so much happiness, and not just the destination (although at times the destination is pretty incredible!!!)

Can't wait to see you and the pretty yard! Love to you.

Emily said...

Its beautiful! I can't wait to see it in person SOON!

Lauren said...

Can we come live with you guys?

Melony said...

My, My! I haven't looked at your blog in a while and look at you!!! I knew you were dressing the yard up, but, wow! Nice work!!!!!! NOW I know who can help me with my yard next year! haha And the mailbox... lovin' it!